
The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in the church monthly, in English on the first Saturday and in Spanish on the second Saturday.

Baptismal preparation classes are offered for parents of children to be baptized and for their godparents.  The classes occur one Saturday a month and preregistration is required.  Parents and prospective godparents are required to attend a class unless they have attended a class in the last 3 years.  Expecting parents should contact the parish office, at 541-342-1139, as early as possible.

General Requirements for the Baptism of Children

  • Parents should be registered parishioners.
  • Birth certificate required.
  • Registration for and attendance of Baptismal preparation classes.
  • Godparents should be practicing Catholics in good standing with the Church.  Please provide the following:
    • Proof of Confirmation (certificate preferred).
    • If married, Catholic marriage certificate. (Cannot be married civilly only.)
    • If from a parish other than St. Mary, letter of good standing and suitability from that Parish.

General Requirements for Adults

  • Should go through the OCIA process.
  • Contact Marybeth Schombert