Children’s Liturgy of the Word is held each Sunday morning, from September through May, during the 10:00 am Mass. All children in K-4th grade are welcome!
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a program in which the Sunday Gospel readings are proclaimed and explained in age-appropriate levels to children in kindergarten to 3rd grade.
Each Sunday, before the Scripture readings begin, the children and the catechists are called forward by the priest for a blessing and then sent to begin their Gospel lessons and activities. The children participate in the same reading of the Sunday Gospel for Mass and return to their families after the Creed. We hope you will encourage your children to attend Children’s Liturgy of the Word to share in the Gospel message and grow in their relationship with Jesus. No registration is necessary. For more information, contact Sharon Dunham, Coordinator of Religious Education, in the Parish Office at 541-342-1139.