Hispanic Ministry

The Hispanic Ministry coordinates the Spanish language Mass and provides sacramental preparation, religious education, music ministry, and youth ministry for the Spanish-speaking members of St. Mary’s parish community. Contact the Parish Office for more information.

La Esperanza

La Esperanza is a large faith/prayer group within our parish. La Esperanza meets every Friday at 7:00 pm for prayer in the parish center.

Guadalupe Ministry

The Guadalupe Ministry promotes the celebration of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, on December 12th. Each year, this Group organizes a celebration involving a traditional Aztec dance, the singing of the Mananitas (a traditional Mexican birthday song usually sung early in the morning to awaken the birthday person), and a dinner in the Parish Center following the evening feast day Mass.

Planning and preparation begin months in advance. All are welcome to join in the celebrations, and anyone is welcome to join Guadalupe Ministry. For more information, please contact the Parish office.

About Our Lady of Guadalupe

“An elder Mexican man makes his way to Mass in the early morning twilight of December 9, 1531. He is a peasant, a simple farmer and laborer, and he has no education. Born under Aztec rule, he is a convert to Catholicism….

“Juan Diego is 57 years old. He has just encountered the Virgin Mary on Tepeyac Hill, the site of a former Aztec Temple. His wife has died two years earlier, and he lives with his elder uncle, scratching his living from the earth as a humble peasant farmer. Why should this unlearned man be chosen by Our Lady to carry a message to the Bishop? Perhaps because she would find none other as humble as Juan Diego….” (for more, click here)