
A team of cross-bearers, servers, readers, and Eucharistic ministers are privileged to assist St. Mary’s clergy at each one of over seventeen liturgies celebrated weekly. Individuals of all ages and genders are invited to participate in various roles. Training is required and provided.

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC)

Being an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is a special ministry with specific requirements since an EHMC handles the Precious Body and Blood of Our Lord.

Altar Server

Altar servers play an important role in the smooth flow of the liturgy. Any child in third grade or higher, who has completed their First Communion, may be trained to be an altar server. This is a great way to get young people involved at Church and to start building a habit of contributing to parish life. Adults are welcome, too, of course.

If you or your child want to become an altar server Masses, contact Marybeth Schombert.

To view our training video for Altar Servers, please click here.

Proclaimers of the Word

Do you have a pleasant speaking voice? Are you comfortable standing up in front of a crowd using a microphone? Are you looking for a way to serve your Church community? If you answered ‘yes’ to these questions, you may be called to be a part of the Ministry of the Word. Lectors must be fully initiated (Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation) and practicing Catholics, and have the habit of praying with the Scriptures. If you are interested in becoming a Lector, contact Marybeth Schombert.

The Altar Society

The Altar Society is for enthusiastic individuals with an eye for detail, a love for beauty, and an interest in taking care of the things of the Lord. Its mission is to maintain and care for the Church, altar, and sanctuary at St. Mary, and by doing so, enable the community to grow in devotion to the Eucharist and stewardship for the parish. The amount of time you commit to the Altar Society is flexible, depending on your availability and on which specialty area you choose: Altar Linens, Vestments & Large Linens, Cleaning, Flowers, Candles, Sewing, or Small Jobs.

New members to help with tasks like weekly Church cleaning, flower arranging, and various assignments on campus are always welcome! If you are interested in joining The Altar Society, contact Marybeth Schombert in the Parish Office at 541-342-1139.

Children’s Liturgy

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is held each Sunday morning during the 10:00 am Mass from September to May. All children in K-3rd grade are welcome!

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a program in which the Sunday Gospel readings are proclaimed and explained at age-appropriate levels to children in kindergarten to 3rd grade.

Each Sunday, before the Scripture readings begin, the children and the catechists are called forward by the priest for a blessing and then sent to begin their Gospel lessons and activities.  The children participate in the same reading of the Sunday Gospel for Mass and return to their families after the Creed.   We hope you will encourage your children to attend Children’s Liturgy of the Word to share the Gospel message and grow in their relationship with Jesus.  No registration is necessary.  For more information, contact Sharon Dunham.