
Baptismal preparation classes are offered for parents wanting their children baptized and for people wanting to become godparents.  The classes occur one Saturday a month and preregistration is required.  Parents and prospective godparents are required to attend a class unless they have attended a class in the last 3 years.  Expecting parents should contact the parish office, at 541-342-1139, as early as possible.

General Requirements for the Baptism of Children

  • Parents should be registered parishioners.
  • Birth certificate for child(ren) to be baptized.
  • Registration for and attendance of Baptismal preparation classes.
  • Godparents should be practicing Catholics in good standing with the Church.  Please provide the following:
    • Proof of Confirmation (certificate preferred).
    • If married, Catholic marriage certificate. (Cannot be married civilly only.)
    • If from a parish other than St. Mary, letter of good standing and suitability from that Parish.

General Requirements for Adults

  • Should go through the OCIA process.
  • Contact Marybeth Schombert