
St. Mary continues to provide sacramental preparation services for the Sacrament of Confirmation to our families.

Youth Confirmation

Confirmation classes for youth, in grades 7-12, will begin in the Fall.  All youth wishing to receive this sacrament must register directly with the parish.  The Youth Confirmation program is for all registered St. Mary parishioners.  Please contact the parish office to register or for more information.

Adult Confirmation

Adult Confirmation classes meet one Saturday a month from February to May, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, with all classes being mandatory.  This four-class course seeks to deepen the participant’s knowledge of the Holy Spirit as well as to establish prayer habits that will sustain an ongoing relationship with the Holy Spirit.  The course takes place at the beginning of the year so that those who are ready can be Confirmed in May or June.  Pre-registration is required.  Please contact Marybeth Schombert at the Parish Office (541-342-1139).